780531 |
780548 |
780555 |
780562 |
781125 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Capacity (L) | External Shape Width (mm) | External Shape Depth (mm) | External Height (mm) | Effective inside dimensions (frontage x depth x height) (mm) | Trusco Code | Mass (g) | Amount Of Content | |
5.99 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 9 Arbeitstage | 0.49 | 137 | 99 | 52 | 128× 85× 48 | 281-7080 | 74 | 1 pc. | |
7.63 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 0.9 | 165 | 119 | 62 | 151×105× 58 | 281-7098 | 111 | 1 pc. | |
10.12 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 1.5 | 198 | 143 | 75 | 183×127× 69 | 281-7101 | 165 | 1 pc. | |
13.57 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 2.9 | 241 | 175 | 87 | 228×160× 84 | 281-7110 | 254 | 1 pc. | |
27.12 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 8 | 354 | 258 | 116 | 320×223×111 | 281-7128 | 653 | 1 pc. |
Product Type | Leitfähiger Behälter | Material (Main Body) | Leitfähiges Polypropylen | Color | Black |
Features | Safely stores electronic parts and chips susceptible to static electricity. | Application | For storage of electric components that dislike static electricity and dust. | Surface resistance value | 103~4Ω |
Specifications | With Lid | Material: Lid | Conductive Polyethylene (PE) | Amount Of Content | 1 pc. |
External Shape Width(mm)
External Shape Depth(mm)
External Height(mm)
Effective inside dimensions (frontage x depth x height)(mm)
Trusco Code
Amount Of Content
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