Hier finden Sie die Teilenummern
zu dem gesuchten Artikel
51621 |
51622 |
51623 |
51626 |
51628 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Artikelausführung | Bürste Lang (mm) | Außen-ø (mm) | Drahtdurchmesser (mm) | Wellendurchmesser (mm) | Achslänge (mm) | Max. Drehzahl (rpm) | Trusco Code | Anwendung | Eigenschaften | Gesamtlänge (mm) | Material der Haare | Masse (g) | ||
28.52 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Gedrehte Bürste | 30 | 6 | 0.1 | 3 | 70 | 9000 | 297-4762 | Ideal for deburring cylinder inner surfaces, screw holes, pipe inner surfaces, cross holes, or curved surfaces. | Core wire is stainless steel and spirally fixed. | - | - | 7.0 | - | |
28.29 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Gedrehte Bürste | 30 | 8 | 0.1 | 3 | 70 | 9000 | 297-4771 | Ideal for deburring cylinder inner surfaces, screw holes, pipe inner surfaces, cross holes, or curved surfaces. | Core wire is stainless steel and spirally fixed. | - | - | 10.5 | - | |
28.56 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Gedrehte Bürste | 30 | 10 | 0.1 | 3 | 70 | 9000 | 297-4789 | Ideal for deburring cylinder inner surfaces, screw holes, pipe inner surfaces, cross holes, or curved surfaces. | Core wire is stainless steel and spirally fixed. | - | - | 10.6 | - | |
28.54 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Gedrehte Bürste | 30 | 7 | 0.1 | 3 | 70 | 9000 | 297-4797 | Ideal for deburring cylinder inner surfaces, screw holes, pipe inner surfaces, cross holes, or curved surfaces. | Core wire is stainless steel and spirally fixed. | - | - | 8.5 | - | |
28.57 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Gedrehte Bürste | 30 | 12 | 0.1 | 3 | 70 | 9000 | 297-4801 | Ideal for deburring cylinder inner surfaces, screw holes, pipe inner surfaces, cross holes, or curved surfaces. | Core wire is stainless steel and spirally fixed. | - | - | 12.2 | - |
Bürste Lang(mm)
Max. Drehzahl(rpm)
Trusco Code
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