BA23 |
BA32 |
BA34 |
BA43 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Insertion Angle (Shaft measurement when electric drill is involved) (mm) | Width across flat dimension (S Measurement) | Overall length (L dimension) (mm) | Insertion Angle (mm) | Trusco Code | Mass (g) | |
17.20 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 9.5 | 6.35 | 22 | Concave 6.3/Convex 9.5 | 307-5711 | 15 | |
18.07 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 6.35 | 6.3 | 25 | Concave 9.5/Convex 6.3 | 307-5729 | 20 | |
20.12 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 12.7 | 12.7 | 29.5 | Concave 9.5/Convex 12.7 | 307-5737 | 38 | |
20.18 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | 9.5 | 9.5 | 35 | Concave 12.7/Convex 9.5 | 307-5745 | 45 |
Single Product/Set Classification | Einzelstück Adapter | Application | Für Handarbeiten | Socket shape | Verbindertyp |
Features | Insertion angle side uses power-fit shape to prevent stress concentration. It is an attachment that connects the sockets with differing insertion angles and the driving tool. |
Insertion Angle (Shaft measurement when electric drill is involved) (mm)
Width across flat dimension (S Measurement)
Overall length (L dimension)(mm)
Insertion Angle(mm)
Trusco Code
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