D1P2-1 |
D1P2-2 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Tip standards | Tip size / Phillips (+) | Tip size / flathead (-) blade width (mm) B1 | Shaft length L (mm) | Tip size / flathead (-) blade thickness (mm) B2 | Overall Length (mm) | Trusco Code | Mass (g) | |
14.24 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Kreuzschlitz (+) | Nr. 1 | - | 75 | - | 170 | 373-3611 | 120 | |
16.95 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 6 Arbeitstage | Kreuzschlitz (+) | Nr. 2 | - | 100 | - | 210 | 373-3637 | 150 |
Single Product/Set Classification | Einzelstück | Shaft type | Rund | Magnet | Verfügbar |
Shaft through | Verfügbar | Bolster | im Lieferumfang enthalten | Grip Type | Kunststoff |
Features | Square resin grip with which force is easily applied. There is a hexagonal part at the base of the shaft. The shaft is hexagonal. Shaft material is Cr-V. | Specifications | Through Hole Type | Blade Tip | With Magnet |
Tip size / Phillips (+)
Tip size / flathead (-) blade width (mm) B1
Shaft length L (mm)
Tip size / flathead (-) blade thickness (mm) B2
Overall Length(mm)
Trusco Code
Tip standards
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