Hersteller-Teilenummer: MSFR-8
Marke: SK 11
Preis: 13.52 €
Lieferzeit: 5 Arbeitstage
Overall Length: 135 mm
Width across flat dimension: 8 mm
Product Width: 18 mm
Product Depth: 8 mm
Mass: 40 g
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MSFR-8 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Overall Length (mm) | Width across flat dimension (mm) | Product Width (mm) | Product Depth (mm) | Mass (g) | Notes 1 | Notes 2 | Notes 3 | Other 1 | Number of Gears | Operating Torque | Specification 2 | |
13.52 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 135 | 8 | 18 | 8 | 40 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 60 Threads (6-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - |
Type | Kombination | Ratchet mechanism | Verfügbar | Swivel (flex) | Verfügbar |
Single Product/Set Classification | Einzelstück | Application | For hexagon bolt/nut tightening and loosening work. | Function 1 | Workability is outstanding even in confined spaces where wrench swing movement is restricted. |
Function 2 | Swing mechanism can be set at any angle from 0-180 degrees, so it is easy to work around obstacles. | Function 3 | Final tightening is possible. | Specification 1 | With Swiveling mechanism |
Material | Chrome Vanadium Steel |
Sie befinden sich auf der Seite für Geartech Schraubenschlüssel (Schwingkopf) , die Teilenummer ist MSFR-8.
Sie finden detaillierte Informationen über Spezifikation und Dimensionierung unter der Teilenummer MSFR-8.
Overall Length(mm)
Width across flat dimension(mm)
Product Width(mm)
Product Depth(mm)
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Optionale Eigenschaften
Teilenummer |
MSFR-10 |
MSFR-13 |
MSFR-14 |
MSFR-16 |
MSFR-17 |
MSFR-19 |
Teilenummer | Standard-Stückpreis | Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Reguläre Versanddauer ? | Overall Length (mm) | Width across flat dimension (mm) | Product Width (mm) | Product Depth (mm) | Mass (g) | Notes 1 | Notes 2 | Notes 3 | Other 1 | Number of Gears | Operating Torque | Specification 2 |
15.17 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 160 | 10 | 20 | 8 | 60 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - | |
17.43 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 180 | 13 | 25 | 10 | 120 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - | |
18.46 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 193 | 14 | 30 | 10 | 140 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - | |
16.74 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 215 | 16 | 32 | 10 | 180 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - | |
21.38 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 230 | 17 | 35 | 11 | 220 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - | |
23.57 € | 1 | Verfügbar | 5 Arbeitstage | 248 | 19 | 38 | 11 | 260 | Use the bolts and nuts that match the size and avoid slanted or shallow fastening. | Do not hit with a hammer, etc. for added impact. | Do not use it for anything other than the intended purpose and applications. | - | 72 Threads (5-Degree Feed Angle) | - | - |