OECR060405AERPIC928 |
OEMT060405AER76IC4050 |
OEMT060405AER76IC808 |
OEMT060405AER76IC908 |
OEMT060405AER76IC910 |
OEMT060405AER76IC928 |
OEMT060405AER76IC950 |
REMT1505LM76IC928 |
REMT1505LM76IC950 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Shape (initial letter of model number) | Work material | Details Type | Dimension D (mm) | Dimension S (mm) | Material | Dimension R (mm) | Dimension F (mm) | Dimensions ap (mm) | Dimension ap1 (mm) | Features | |
23.16 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Edelstahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OECR | 14.45 | 4.90 | IC928 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 3.70 | - | TiAlN PVD coating on tough welding-base material. High blade tip strength. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Edelstahl / Gusseisen / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC4050 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | MT CVD coating of Al + TiN on tough welding base material. Having excellent abrasion resistance and tenacity, it is suitable for high feed milling of medium to high cutting speed range. | ||
19.09 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Stahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC808 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | Carbide (Equivalent to P25). Good balance between abrasion resistance and toughness, and excellent thermal crack resistance. For medium to high speed machining, medium to rough machining. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Stahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC908 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | Carbide (Equivalent to P25). Good balance between abrasion resistance and toughness, and excellent thermal crack resistance. For medium to high speed machining, medium to rough machining. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Gusseisen / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC910 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | TiAlN PVD coating, excellent abrasion resistance. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Edelstahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC928 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | TiAlN PVD coating on tough welding-base material. High blade tip strength. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | O (regelmäßiges Oktagon) | Stahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | OEMT | 14.27 | 4.74 | IC950 | 0.5 | 1.6 | 2.45 | 7.4 | TiAlN PVD coating, excellent abrasion resistance. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | R (kreisförmig) | Edelstahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | REMT | 15.87 | 5.24 | IC928 | - | - | - | - | TiAlN PVD coating on tough welding-base material. High blade tip strength. | ||
18.07 € | 10 | 8 Arbeitstage | R (kreisförmig) | Stahl / Werkstoff mit hoher Härte | REMT | 15.87 | 5.24 | IC950 | - | - | - | - | TiAlN PVD coating, excellent abrasion resistance. |
Clearance angle | Sonstige | Available corners | 8 | Application | Planing / Shoulder Cutting / Grooving / Facing / Profiling |
Shape (initial letter of model number)
Details Type
Dimension D(mm)
Dimension S(mm)
Dimension R(mm)
Dimension F(mm)
Work material
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