490-080Q27-08H |
490-080Q27-08L |
490-080Q27-08M |
490-080Q27-14H |
A490-080J25.4-14H |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | blade diameter D (mm) | Finish category | Shank diameter (d) (mm) | Number of flutes (sheet) | Maximum Cutting Depth (Ad) (mm) | Maximum Engine Speed n max | Details Type | Coolant | Mass (kg) | Specifications | Tip Size (mm) | Blade distribution | Program Length (mm) | |
1,287.01 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 80mm | Grobe und mittelgrobe Verarbeitung | 27 | 10 | 5.5 | 19400 | Arbor Mounted | Coolant Center-Through | 1.2 | Extra-Cross Pitch (Multiple Flutes) | 8 | Unequal division | 50 | ||
1,110.85 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 80mm | Behandlung | 27 | 6 | 5.5 | 19400 | Arbor Mounted | Coolant Center-Through | 1.2 | Coarse Pitch (Few Flutes) | 8 | Equal division | 50 | ||
1,194.29 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 80mm | Grobe und mittelgrobe Verarbeitung | 27 | 8 | 5.5 | 19400 | Arbor Mounted | Coolant Center-Through | 1.2 | Cross Pitch (Medium Flutes) | 8 | Unequal division | 50 | ||
1,263.83 € | 1 | 6 Arbeitstage | 80mm | Grobe und mittelgrobe Verarbeitung | 27 | 8 | 10 | 10100 | Arbor Mounted | Coolant Center-Through | 1 | Extra-Cross Pitch (Multiple Flutes) | 14 | Unequal division | 50 | ||
1,263.83 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 80mm | Grobe und mittelgrobe Verarbeitung | 25.4 | 8 | 10 | 10100 | Arbor Mounted (FMA Type) | Coolant Center-Through | 0.9 | Extra-Cross Pitch (Multiple Flutes) | 14 | Unequal division | 50 |
Machining Application | Fläche / Seite / Nut | work material | Stahl allgemein / Abgeschreckter und gehärteter Stahl / Stahl mit hoher Härte / Edelstahl / Gusseisen / Aluminium / Titan / Kupfer / Graphit / Kunststoff | Mounting Method | Welle |
Compatible Tip Material | Carbid-Beschichtung | Cutting Angle (κr)(°) | 90 |
Finish category
Shank diameter (d)(mm)
Number of flutes(sheet)
Maximum Cutting Depth (Ad)(mm)
Maximum Engine Speed n max
Details Type
blade diameter D(mm)
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