EZSM116 |
EZSM117 |
EZSM118 |
EZSM119 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Hole diameter (drill diameter) D (mm) | Groove Length L (mm) | Overall Length L (mm) | Dimensions/Ds (φ mm) | Diameter dimensional tolerance (mm) | |
320.87 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 11.6 | 60 | 122 | 12 | 0-0.027 | ||
320.87 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 11.7 | 60 | 122 | 12 | 0-0.027 | ||
320.87 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 11.8 | 60 | 122 | 12 | 0-0.027 | ||
320.87 € | 1 | 8 Arbeitstage | 11.9 | 60 | 122 | 12 | 0-0.027 |
work material | Stahl allgemein / Edelstahl / Gusseisen / Aluminium / Titan | Tool Material Type | Carbid | Shank Type | Schaftfräserschaft |
Coating Y/N | Verfügbar | With/without Oil Hole | Verfügbar | Detailed coating types | Value Coat |
Features | Offers cutting edge features suitable for heat resistant alloys such as Inconel and titanium alloy | Machining Application | With oil hole drilled |
Hole diameter (drill diameter) D(mm)
Groove Length L(mm)
Overall Length L(mm)
Dimensions/Ds(φ mm)
Diameter dimensional tolerance(mm)
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