Hier finden Sie die Teilenummern
zu dem gesuchten Artikel
SVA2025 |
SVA2540 |
SVA3035 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Maximum Absorption Power (kN) | Number of Grids (pcs) | Maximum Air Pressure Consumption (l/min) | Maximum Load Mass (kg) | Size (mm) | Mass (kg) | |
2,249.88 € | 1 | 9 Arbeitstage | 1.31 | 172 | 30 | 24 | 200×250×65 | 9 | ||
3,107.08 € | 1 | 9 Arbeitstage | 2.84 | 352 | 60 | 50 | 250×400×65 | 19 | ||
2,923.37 € | 1 | 9 Arbeitstage | 2.99 | 370 | 60 | 50 | 300×350×65 | 20 |
Specifications | Materials: FC300; Input pressure from compressor: 0.5 to 0.7 MPa; Maximum vacuum pressure: -88 kPa | Accessory | Neolon (black): About two windings, Silicone rubber (white): About one winding, One-touch pipe fitting tube (φ6 mm, inner diameter 4 mm): 1 m, One-touch pipe fitting coupler: 1 | Features | No dedicated vacuum pump is necessary because a vacuum ejector is used (integrated type). Almost all parts are put together in the front panel, which facilitates maintenance including replacement of parts. Holes for hexagon socket head cap screws allow parallel installation. |
Maximum Absorption Power(kN)
Number of Grids(pcs)
Maximum Air Pressure Consumption(l/min)
Maximum Load Mass(kg)
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